The appointment of an independent director is a powerful tool for private credit lenders. The appointment is designed to introduce a voice of neutrality and fairness into the board’s decision-making process with the hope and expectation that independence from the controlling shareholder enables the board to drive toward viable value-maximizing strategies. Often times, the independent director is vested with exclusive authority (or veto rights) over a range of significant corporate decisions, including a sale, restructuring and the decision to file a bankruptcy case.
1. はじめに
私的整理への多数決原理の導入(私的整理の多数決化)は、過去 10 年余りの間に何度か検討されてきたが、現在、経済産業省の主導により、改めて議論が進められている。背景としては、私的整理において金融債権者全員の同意が必要であることが、事業再生の円滑化に向けた課題として指摘されてきたことがある。 2022 年 6 月、自動車部品供給会社であるマレリホールディングス㈱の事業再生 ADR 手続(私的整理の一種)が、一部の外資系金融機関の反対により不成立となった(最終的には、民事再生手続における簡易再生という特則を利用)のは、そのような課題が表面化した例の一つである。
2. 事業再構築小委員会報告書について
A note on In the matter of Restore Builders Limited En Désastre [2024] JRC 290.
The Royal Court of Jersey has recently held, for the first time, that the actions of a Jersey company director constituted wrongful trading and ordered that he be personally liable for the company's debts and disqualified as a director for ten years.
In a very litigious and long-running saga concerning some land near Bicester, a recent judgment involved parties applying to remove the Administrators.
In summary:
Irish companies can now avail of various methods with which to merge, migrate or spin off all - or portions of - their businesses with other European Union (“EU”) limited liability companies. In our experience, these restructuring tools can be particularly useful for global post-acquisition integration, carve-out, spin-off or rationalisation projects. This has been made possible by an EU directive introduced into Irish law on 24 May 2023 by the European Union (Cross-Border Conversions, Mergers and Divisions) Regulations 2023 (the “Regulations”).
key takeaways
Published on 21 January 2025, In the matter of Restore Builders Limited [2024] JRC290 (“Restore Builders”), is the first time the Royal Court of Jersey (“Court”) has made a wrongful trading order.
As discussed below, the Court held that Thomas McLaughlin (“Respondent”) be disqualified as a company director for 10 years, and be personally responsible for the debts of Restore Builders Limited (“Company”).
The Federal Court of Australia has recently delivered judgment in the case of Deputy Commissioner of Taxation v ACN 152 259 839 Pty Ltd [2024] FCA 1489. The Court held that in some circumstances, a statutory demand can be validly served on a perceived temporarily empty company office.
On 20 May 2024, an ATO officer purported to serve ACN 152 259 839 Pty Ltd (the Company) with a statutory demand and an accompanying affidavit by leaving the documents at the Company’s registered office.
Contract Natural Gas Limited v ZOG Energy Ltd [1] is the first post-Enterprise Act 2002 judgment on the effect of administration on limitation. After reviewing existing authority and statute, the Court confirmed that (among other things) time does not stop running for limitation purposes when a company enters a post-Enterprise Act administration. Fraser Ritson, Aziz Abdul and Brian Rostron acted for Joshua Dwyer and William Wright in their capacity as the joint liquidators of Contract Natural Gas Limited – in Liquidation.
Am 1. Januar 2025 ist das Bundesgesetz über die Bekämpfung des missbräuchlichen Konkurses in Kraft getreten. Das Bundesgesetz hat auch zu Anpassungen verschiedener Gesetze, darunter des Obligationenrechts und der Handelsregisterverordnung geführt. Nachstehend werden die wichtigsten Änderungen des Obligationenrechts und der Handelsregisterverordnung zusammengefasst.
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